Fictional recreation of the life of Alfred Wegener, whose theories of continental drift were derided in his lifetime.
Reaching record-breaking heights in hot air balloons, almost fatally injury
in the First World War, and driven by a passion for ice and for a better
understanding of the history of the earth, Alfred Wegener was an explorer,
geologist, adventurer - and an extraordinary man. In this passionate and
beautifully written novel, Clare Dudman imaginatively recreates the life
of the man whose theories of continental drift - derided in his lifetime
- have revolutionised our perception of the world. Wegener's story is a
tale of obsession, endurance, courage and love: of the beautiful, but treacherous
nature of ice, of the fire and energy at the earth's core, of one man's
belief in his own ideas, and of the woman who adored him, but who was ultimately
destined to lose him.