The SECOND EDITION of everyone's favorite theatre arts curriculum book is now available! Designed as a year-long curriculum to help teachers organize and energize their Theatre 1 class, engaging students to learn by doing. This new edition is gender neutral, better organized, updated to reflect modern technology and social media, and has a 2020 copyright date! Even better, the Student Workbook is just that... a true individual workbook for each student, loose-leaf three-hole punched and ready to drop into a binder. We've retained all the elements that made the first edition of this book a top-selling theatre arts curriculum text year after year. You'll still find the daily bell work, fun puzzles, and quizzes and tests that you've come to rely on to make classroom management easier. This classroom-tested, year-long curriculum covers the entire spectrum of theatre: theatre history, scene work, acting, characterization, production, games, improvisations, and more.