Magical mysteries, enchanting adventures, and romances blossoming under a full moon...
Meet Pet, determined alpha's daughter, poised to lead her pack through the shadows of long-concealed secrets. And Mai, skilled fencing instructor whose hidden fox shifter identity adds a layer of complexity to her everyday life.
Navigate through fantastical dangers alongside a flustered werewolf father-to-be. Discover the holiday wishes of wolf pups. And walk in the shoes of an alpha whose human upbringing didn't prepare him for the ways of the pack.
This anthology includes eleven urban fantasy shorts: Fox Hunt (also found in High Moon); Library Werewolf; Kira's Tale; Outfoxed (also found in the Moon Marked Trilogy); Slaying Solstice; Broke Truck, Lost Pup; The Alpha Puzzle; A Dog's Dinner; Undelivered Correspondence; Family FTW; and Bonus Epilogue (From Jack's Point of View).
Note: While a couple of these stories can be read as standalones, most are intended to be enjoyed after the Moon Marked Trilogy, the No Fox Given Trilogy, and the Time Bites Trilogy.