This book offers a comprehensive curriculum on plastic surgery, centered on adult learning principles. The pedagogical structure includes a base of cognitive knowledge that consists of the entire spectrum of plastic surgery; reconstructive and aesthetic; a guide for an interactive discussion of each component of the knowledge base; a set of multiple-choice questions with a syllabus of explanation of correct and incorrect responses; and clinical cases to illustrate each element. Over one hundred modules constitute the curriculum, all of which are grouped into thirteen general categories. Each module includes a selected bibliography of relevant and contemporary readings, a discussion guide of broad questions and answers for a faculty member to drive an interactive discussion of the module, a set of multiple-choice questions for each module to serve as a short written quiz, and 1-3 cases that are utilized in a case-base conference to discuss the practical application of cognitive knowledge to problem-solving of a clinical scenario. Finally, a several-page review of the particular case provides an optimal approach to diagnosis and treatment.
A Curriculum for Plastic Surgery provides an encyclopedic yet facile vehicle to deliver a comprehensive, contemporary, and interactive curriculum. The work is intended for Plastic Surgery faculty, residents and fellows, Board candidates, and practitioners. The curriculum reflects the author's four decade long career in academic practice and teaching within this field.