After three- quarters of a century, Dr. Abraham Kuyper's exhaustive study of the work of the Holy Spirit -- how available for the first time in a paperback edition -- still stands undiminished as a comprehensive Protestant statement about a central but much-misunderstood part of the Christian faith.
"I have made an effort," Dr. Kuyper writes in his preface, "to represent the work of the Holy Spirit in its organic relations, so that the reader may survey the entire domain. And in surveying, who is not surprised at the ever-widening dimensions of the work of the Holy Spirit in all the things that pertain to God and man?"
The 123 brief sections that make up this work first appeared in the
Heraut, a Dutch religious weekly of which Dr. Kuyper served as editor. So it is that this profound exposition is lucidly written in the language of the ordinary people for whose spiritual growth he was deeply concerned.